Enroll Now: Begin Your AI Journey

Master AI Fundamentals in Just One Week.

Stop overthinking.

Finally start learning AI in 2024.

Quiz: Is this course right for you?

Are you intrigued by AI but unsure where to begin?


Do you feel overwhelmed by the vastness of AI resources and possibilities?

Have you started learning AI but now find yourself lost or stuck?


Are you struggling to make meaningful progress despite your efforts?


Are you actively engaged in AI learning but not seeing the results you want?

Do you seek a more efficient and effective path to mastering AI?

Course Overview: Your 7-Day AI Mastery Path

Day 1: Build your Learning Command Center

Dive into the world of AI experts and trusted resources. Identify the key voices and channels to stay updated with AI advancements.

Day 2: Learn the Basics

Understand foundational AI concepts including Large Language Models and Prompt Engineering. Start building your AI knowledge base with expert guidance.

Day 3: Discover Real AI Use Cases

Step onto a clear path designed for developers at square one. We guide you through AI basics to build a strong foundation fast.

Start Your AI Journey Today

Day 4: OpenAI APIs and Custom GPT's

Get hands-on with OpenAI’s tools. Learn about API usage, text generation capabilities, and how to develop custom GPT models.

Dive into the LangChain framework for building AI applications. Understand its components and how to leverage them for intelligent app development.

Day 5: LangChain - Mastering LLM App Development

Discover Flowise’s drag-and-drop interface for creating AI applications. Learn to build chatbots and other interactive AI tools.

Day 6: Bringing Ideas to Life with Flowise

Apply your knowledge to develop a specialized AI customer support agent. Showcase your ability to create AI solutions for specific industry needs.

Day 7: Create a Real Project with AI

Frequently Asked Questions

It is completely free for a limited time.

While others may charge extensively for AI education, our "7-day Guide for Developers new to AI," valued at $329,

is completely free for a limited time.

We're investing in your future in AI, without you investing a penny.

How much does this AI course cost?

The course demands a total commitment of 28 hours, spread over seven days.

This intensive yet manageable schedule is designed for busy individuals eager to integrate AI learning into their professional lives.

What's the time commitment?

Yes, our course is tailored for developers stepping into AI.

It builds a strong foundation before leading into practical,

actionable insights that you can apply in real-world scenarios.

Is this course suitable for someone with a basic understanding of AI?

We emphasize practical experience.

You'll not only learn AI concepts but also apply them through project-based learning,

ensuring you acquire skills that are immediately applicable in the tech industry.

How hands-on is this course?

© 2024 AI Champions. All rights reserved.

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